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To safeguard against what tech company Unisys has dubbed “cloud in the corner” syndrome, companies looking to move some or all of their IT operations into the cloud should consider a recently proposed seven-point plan. The plan aims to help global CIOs get the most out of their cloud technology investment. Isolation in and under-utilization of cloud technologies within IT environments can often lead to not realizing the potential savings that cloud technology can give a company, but even increased costs in the long run.
This “seven deadly sins” list can be used to help enterprises change their method of approach when it comes to applying cloud technology. It illustrates the need for business to move away from thinking in terms of pure technology and to develop a blueprint that will give them a plan for success with cloud technology.
While a well-planned and executed cloud computing solution can easily net a company as much as 20% in savings in IT operations costs, it can also give a company an advantage over its competition by improving responsiveness and upgrading the delivery quality of its IT services.
“However, it’s easy to become entranced by new cloud technologies” says Unisys Director for Global Cloud Computing Solutions John Treadway, “and lose sight of how those can best be integrated with existing resources. By courting ‘cloud in a corner’ syndrome this way, CIOs risk zeroing out savings and even potentially increasing operational costs.”
Here are the Seven Signs of “Cloud in a Corner” that all IT organizations should be aware of: