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As we have seen in the Asian markets, particularly in Japan and Korea, in the last decade, software has systematically been taking over areas that traditionally have been controlled by hardware manufacturers and developers. Software, in fact, has started to take over many other markets, from finance to entertainment, it is all about new software, hard-software integration, and content. Today, more venture capitalists are looking for start-ups with innovative software opportunities, especially when the software they provide helps to eat into the profits or market of another industry that has already been established.
Even though software has started to take the place of other technologies and workers in other industries, this trend may also help Japan and regions such as the United States and Western Europe return to the top as manufacturing leaders. While manufacturing has shifted to other markets due to their lower labor costs and direct access to energy, software helps keep labor costs down, which will have an important effect on these regions' future manufacturing efforts.
How the rise of software affects venture capitalism and new tech businesses
While, traditionally, venture capitalists focus on the people in a company or on their ideas and market share, today it is all about innovation. This is because, today, the rise of software has caused the tech sector to evolve at a very rapid pace. Breakthroughs are measured in days and hours and an innovative idea has the potential to break through into a completely untapped market. This is a good guideline for entrepreneurs in today's tech industry, is it an innovative idea? Has it been done before? Software development today gives entrepreneurs many opportunities to use software for purposes that had never been thought of before!
Today, the tech industry is basically becoming the software industry, due to almost everything moving from hardware to software. From cloud storage to numerous devices becoming software services, and the increase use of innovative mobile apps, there is a clear trend where software is systematically taking over other tech industries. In fact, this is not limited to technology; from entertainment to finance, software is becoming an important, systemic component of almost all major human endeavors. Simply integrating online functionality into industries that are traditionally handled offline has now given entrepreneurs almost endless room for innovation, meaning also more investment opportunities for savvy venture capitalists.
The evolving state of technology and how Japan paved the way
From network virtualization to mobile apps and innovative uses for social media, there is no question that the Asian market has been paving the way in technological breakthroughs. In particular, Japan's technological infrastructure has made it an ideal playground for entrepreneurs looking to bring new ideas and breakthroughs to the market. However, there are several difficulties that are specific of the Japanese market that may make it more difficult than normal for start-up companies: