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Cloud computing has made its name heard in almost all leading industries ranging from software to automobiles. Hence it is rather a shame for any business enterprise to say that they do not have a cloud-based strategy for their business models. For professionals engaged in video editing, a cloud-based strategy is proving to be quite an asset. Having to move their physical video data onto different computers to perform various stages of editing, costs involved in storage options, transit time and other factors accumulate to hand a severe blow to traditional video editing processes. However the story is different in a cloud-based video editing software.
The benefits mainly include ease of access to the source video files anywhere on the planet via an internet connection. You need not carry the video file to all locations as it would always be available online. There is also no need to install the necessary software tools on all the computers that you are going to work on as a cloud computing model offers Software as a Service option wherein you can utilise the software tools on the cloud to perform the necessary video editing. Even if multiple personnel are to access the video at various stages of editing, all the necessary software tools can be uploaded into the cloud and made available to each professional engaged in the editing process.
It is by far emerging as the best way for customers to quickly edit and share video streams. However, cloud computing as a model for professional video editing capability still has some glitches to resolve that can be prevented by timely planning and choosing reliable resources. Some of the key issues pertaining to cloud based video editing options are as follows:
Upload speeds: Even though cloud computing provides a way to edit your videos online, there is a major need for the source video file to be uploaded into the cloud based editing platform. Video files created by professional cameras and codecs often have huge sizes and hence a highly powerful and fast internet connection with tremendous upload speed and bandwidth is required.
Unreliable internet connection: If your ISP provides you with connectivity to the internet that often disrupts owing to some technical faults, then your business model could be severely affected because any cloud based service including video editing service requires the full-time availability of online resources. Without it, you will be stuck like a pole on ice.
Price of storage: Since video files need larger space on the cloud, storage prices need to be very flexible or else you may have to reduce the scale of business happening over a period to accommodate a limited number of video files.
But as you are aware all of the above described issues are not really a problem of cloud computing. It is more of a matter of selecting resources that are used in the process. Cloud computing as a feasible model for ab video editing business does make a lot of sense. Looking at the bright side, it is possible for editing raw footage shot in India at studios in the USA without any difficulty. And professional editing staff can work on the video from anywhere on the planet.
Not only that, cloud computing can provide a collaboration platform for video editing professionals to review the work they have done and hence improve on their productivity as well as skills. For movie studios, cloud computing provides a way to screen movies at different locations or studios for adding inputs to the video from various sources. This is critical in the creation of the final movie video.
Movie distribution via the cloud is also a phenomenal way to cut down on costs of making tapes. The ability to stream videos on multiple channels as well as integrate video uploaded on multiple channels like mobile cameras, handy cams, professional cameras, etc is also made possible.
In short, cloud computing does make for an exciting business model for professional video editing and it is quite simple to solve the minor glitches I mentioned before and once it is done, video editing becomes more easy and streamlined than ever before.