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When we talk about latest IT trends in the market today, no one would miss out on the importance of cloud computing. This revolutionary technology has created marvels in modern day business enterprises. They have helped businesses reduce costs significantly in terms of infrastructure, computing power, software resources and tools, manpower and so on.
Even non-IT firms have embraced upon its benefits with ease thanks to the simplicity and efficiency of cloud based service platforms. All you need to enjoy the cloud is a reliable and fast internet connection enabled device. So who has been at the forefront of cloud technology implementation? The answer is not at all surprising. Japan, the Asian giant lives up to its recognition globally as the land of the rising Sun. It is not just the land where the Sun sets its foot first but also any new technology that we envisage today.
According a recent survey by both VMware and Asia Cloud Computing Association (ACCA), Japan is at the top of the list of Asia Pacific countries in terms of implementation of cloud computing. The nation’s ranking remains unchanged from that of last year. The progressive minds of Japanese innovators are a steady contributor to the success of almost any computing or related technologies. With massive infrastructure building capability available with plenty of resources locally, Japan has a very high appetite for technology.
Japanese business enterprises have leveraged cloud services from both domestic and international cloud service providers to streamline their business activities in tune with demand and has thus brought about significant changes in the way IT has worked magic for business enterprises. Japanese businesses have benefited greatly with respect to the fact that their initial infrastructural costs especially that of IT companies have gone down by over a great margin thanks to their shift to cloud paradigm.
Even government agencies have leveraged benefits of cloud computing in Japan and even overtaken western nations in this sector. Many medical institutions prefer to keep their records online thereby making it accessible to physicians anywhere anytime. Cloud computing has brought changes in ways we could never imagine. Those that refused to move to the cloud earlier citing very vague reasons have begun to realize what potential the technology has and how it can bring about never before seen agility and efficiency in their operations.
There are numerous reasons for which cloud computing becomes dearer by the day to people all over the world. The imminent threat of hardware failure in personal computers is in itself a big reason to have their daily operational resources and computing platforms moved to an online cloud based service so that the risk of data and information loss is minimal.
Next up is the ease of access. Cloud computing allows you to take your work with you wherever you go. If you have with you an internet-enabled device like a laptop, you can work remotely from anywhere on the planet via an online interface. All your resources would be made available in front of you as though it was there with you all the time. The faster the internet goes, the greater the operational efficiency of cloud computing. Moreover, recovery from disasters is sped up by cloud computing thanks to its remote location access features and online backup capabilities.
Japan has been praised by several experts for its policies that greatly encourage the flourishing trend of cloud computing. Despite facing severe setbacks due to outages thanks to the devastating earthquake back in 2011, businesses and IT powerhouses have been increasingly dependent on cloud based delivery models. The reason cited by many for this growing affinity towards cloud computing is that even though downtimes can be lethal, efficient backup and easy access to remote resources have brought numerous advantages to them and hence the slight setbacks can be ignored taking the power of the greater good.
The survey also evaluated other Asian countries in terms of cloud adaptation and found out that everyone was following Japan’s model and is catching up. In countries like India, cloud computing is gaining momentum not even witnessed in developed nations like the United States. This positive outlook clearly shows us that cloud computing is here to stay for the long term and it is undoubtedly the core business platform of the near future.