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Studies have shown that cloud computing will be a major source of employment and revenue in the next few years. Cloud computing is projected to become a $1.1 trillion dollar annual business in the next three years! This is according to an IDC research that was commissioned by tech giant Microsoft. This is actually a conservative estimate if one considers that rate at which cloud computing advances. Every couple of months, a new idea comes along making the whole sector take a huge leap forward. According to this study, fourteen million new jobs will be generated in the next three years thanks to cloud computing advances.
What makes cloud computing a special force in innovation?
The positive impact of cloud computing is different than other new technologies. This is because it transforms how companies operate. Cloud technology has a positive aspect on costs and efficiency. However, its most important effect is spurring innovation. There are several reasons for this. One of the most important is that it helps IT managers and personnel focus on more innovative projects by freeing them from more mundane tasks. Cloud technology allows different individuals and departments within a company meet and communicate more effectively. Before, IT directors had to deal with every-day crises and with what were essentially tasks related to keeping the existing infrastructure working. With the advent of cloud service providers, IT directors can now talk strategy and find ways to help the whole company succeed in its mission by applying new concepts and technologies.
Some of the predictions contained in the IDC study
There are some truly promising facts in the IDC study that should help clarify the great role that cloud computing will have in the next few years. As already mentioned, cloud computing will be responsible for almost fourteen million new jobs by 2015. Thanks to the IT innovation mentioned above, the revenue from cloud computing could reach over a trillion dollars per year. One of the best aspects of the cloud revolution is that it is truly democratic. Cloud service providers help smaller companies compete with larger sectors by giving them access to technology that was previously only in the hands of companies that were able to afford costly IT infrastructure. The study predicts that employment related to cloud technology will increase both in large business and in small and medium sized companies (those with fewer than five hundred full time employees.)
Asia is a major player in the future of cloud computing
Today, Asian economies are technological powerhouses, especially Japan and South Korea. Cloud technology will have a major effect on already established communications, media, and banking firms in these countries (these sectors are already a huge part of these countries' markets.) An example of a technologically-influenced company is GMO Cloud where it is part of a huge internet conglomerate in Japan that caters to major companies based in the country.
Countries such as India and China are projected to be the major sites for new jobs related to cloud computing. In fact, the IDC study predicts that about half of the projected fourteen million jobs will be located in these two countries. We are already seeing the effects of this in several cloud services providers that today are taking steps to nearly double their workforce in an attempt to meet the increasing demands of the market.
Small business and cloud technology
One of the characteristics of small businesses is that they typically have less access to technology than larger companies, even though small businesses account for most employment opportunities around the world. However, with larger companies holding off on adopting cloud services because of their larger investments in legacy infrastructure, smaller companies are projected to become very large drivers of the progress of cloud computing around the world. Certain industries, like retail and services, will see a rapid adoption of these technologies due to the higher amount of smaller companies in these sectors. However, banking and other information-sensitive sectors will take longer to adopt the cloud due to the security concerns. Regardless of the speed of adoption, cloud technology is one of the most important revolutions in the history of computing and we can expect profound changes in the economy similar to what was seen in response to previous technological leaps in the 80's (with the rise of personal computing) and the 00's (with the mobile technology revolution.)