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There was a lot going on this week's news of cloud servers, cloud hosting and the way we do business. Here are a few highlights of what we saw that may impact you and your business in the clouds.
Could 2012 Be the Year of the Cloud?
In a recent global survey of organizations KPMG International found that “C” executives in most of the major corporations have already moved some part of their business to the cloud. The expectation is that this number will grow with even more considering the move in the coming year.
Will a Secure Cloud be Leading to More Government Cloud Use?
James Shaeffer is a leading expert on cloud security and was recently vice-chair for a government committee exploring the expansion of the cloud for US government organizations. His recent testimony of the advisability of increased adaptation of the cloud for government agencies could fuel further expansion as security concerns are addressed and resolved.
Cloud-Based Medical Billing Continues to Expand
As the number of physicians using cloud-based systems for record keeping and billing, the cloud healthcare industry continues to grow at amazing rates. Kareo is a cloud-based medical software company that just announced securing a $10 million equity investment. Is this just the start of a move by healthcare industries to the cloud?
Will OpenStack Foundation Finally Become a Reality?
IT World’s Brian Profitt talks about SpaceRack’s involvement in OpenStack, the open source developers organization and the foundation that needs to be setup to prevent OpenStack from being merely another arm of SpaceRack. Is it finally time for the OpenStack Foundation to be a truly vendor-neutral and open home for the development of open source cloud hosting?
Fighting for Web and Cloud in Washington
There is legislature up for vote in Congress that could mean the end for some web services and curtail the rights of many web and cloud-based businesses. The battle between web service companies and the large entertainment entities that feel threatened by the growing dominance of the cloud is just beginning.
Google and Microsoft Continue to Battle Over Cloud Supremacy
Just like two giant monsters fighting over the fair maiden, the giants of the tech world continue to do battle to see who will win the war over cloud dominance. As apps continue to roll out and prices continue to roll down, where will the rest of the cloud go to find the software to run their cloud-based business? That is what Google and Microsoft want to know.
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