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One of the biggest changes in the last year to come to cloud computing is Big Data. Any company that is considering moving to cloud computing has probably seen it around; every other vendor is claiming it. But what is it? And why should you be paying attention to it?
Forrester, one of the leading researchers in the cloud computing industry explains big data as techniques and technologies that make it affordable for business to handle data at extreme scale. Things like customer call records and medical equipment monitoring data need to be constantly captured at an enormous rate and the better you do it the more valuable your data.
Forrester’s Brian Hopkins thinks that Big Data is where the biggest breakthroughs in cloud computing will come from and where individual markets will find their next big winners. So understanding what it is and how it pertains to your individual market could be crucial in any business that is looking to grow with cloud computing as a major tool in their arsenal. This article introduces the idea and also leads to a link to his recent report “Expand Your Digital Horizon with Big Data”. To read Brian Hopkins comments and report, be sure to read Big Data Will Help Shape Your Market’s Next Big Winners.