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UpFront with Piston Cloud CEO
Joshua McKinty has been on the forefront of cloud technology for several years now, including his involvement with the creation of OpenStack. Now he has a new venture, Piston Cloud, and he spent a bit of time recently with Vator News to talk about the direction that he sees for both cloud technology and his new Piston Cloud, including where it can be leading that move.
Cloud Computing Adaption Increasing
With the recession pushing business to look for cost cutting, more businesses then ever have been looking at cloud computing as a solution. According to the latest reports from, the trend towards cloud computing will only grow in the coming year as the need for IT support of mobile services makes cloud technology the perfect solution.
PersonalWeb Sues for Patent Infringement
The owner of a company that owns several patents relating to storage and cloud computing have initiated a lawsuit against nine of the leading data storage businesses, alleging infringement of their patents. PersonalWeb named eight patents that were violated by all of the nine companies and is looking for unspecified damages, costs, and royalties related to the patents. Among the companies named were Amazon, NEC and YouTube.
71% of Healthcare Providers Considering Cloud Adaption
In a recent report by healthcare research firm KLAS, healthcare providers are beginning to turn to the cloud in large numbers, even if that move is not as likely to be to public clouds such as Amazon. Although patient data security and data control were still cited as major concerns, many healthcare providers are looking at private clouds as the way to secure their records above the levels achieved at their own onsite data centers.
Federal Government Adopts Cloud Security Rules
The Federal Government just announced the development of the Federal Risk and Authorization Management Program (FedRAMP). This program will offer to any business considering doing cloud business with government agencies a standard approach and set of guidelines for cloud security assessments. This will aid the private sector to market cloud products to these agencies as the government begins its migration to the cloud.