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Currently, millions of people are so glued to their mobile phones that they really do not remember how life was before smartphones became a reality. According to World Mobile Applications Market, there are about seven billion applications that were globally made in the year 2009. These mainly came from natural and third-party application stores that generated big revenue in the same year. It is expected that in the year 2015 this mobile application market would be worth $24.4 billion. This is at least a 64% increased rate from the year 2009. The mobile application market is growing due to advancement in network technologies, growing adaptation on smartphones, and lower mobile data usage cost. From this article, you will know how the mobile phone serves as a lodging place for cloud application development. While not all mobile devices can do the job, this would be in reference to most new-generation mobile phone devices.
The Rise of Mobile Cloud Computing
With the progression of mobile cloud computing, greater efforts have been exerted just to develop platforms for cloud-based mobile applications. Mobile computing and cloud computing are the same technologies that move applications from the user to the server. Building applications for mobile cloud is relatively diverse from developing applications for a traditional smartphone such as iPhone or Android. However, in the long run, mobile cloud computing models will generate more revenue for application developers, and will open its doors to more developers.
From Cellular Devices to App Development
Mobile phone companies can create their own parallel cloud for them to develop mobile applications. This simply means that mobile phone users need not go online to find stores for installation of applications. In other words, the procurement of mobile applications will become obsolete since the user should only rent a space to utilize network cache.
It is true that not all cellular devices can easily access an integral cellular cloud unless all developers will make a trademark that will support the application. This is not a difficult process since they can even run from their current mobile operating system, which by the way, is doing pretty well. Thus with this concept cloud computing would achieve a new dimension from the ones we are used to seeing now.
If what analysts say are to be believed, then in future there would be no need to install applications as they would run on a cloud environment and you only need to have an interface to operate it. Some technologies that facilitate these kinds of improvements are now available. In line with this, applications that are being installed and run can be more accessible and easy to use.
Setting up Mobile Applications
Other than smartphone developers and manufacturers, there are now experts who have cellular computing software. This paves the way for new mobile services and applications. They have their own packages that include excellent operating systems, which borrow from a computer-based cloud. It means that their main role is to prepare the cellular cloud to run similar to the latest technology needed for certain software. For this, more companies should also be in line with this kind of technological change.
The Bad
Though mobile sectors are known to be the fastest growing platforms for applications, it has also some issues and one of these is the interruption in network connection. Sometimes, you may experience that the download frequency is less and your broadband device is blinking. Some people may also experience inactivity of voice calls during the web-based procedure. Other mobile application marketplaces are not structured in terms of ad- revenue generation. Ads in free applications might be annoying to users, consumes more battery resources and turn off users.
The Good
Despite these issues, the development and setup of mobile applications are still rich in application achievements because it has opened a new source of revenue for mobile phone manufacturers. You will see that in the near future, iOS and android will no longer lodge on up-to-date devices. Not only will mobile application development remain an inspirational element for all users, it can also serve as people’s helping hand to create and improve mobile applications to produce great success.