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Cloud computing is no longer a new word. Almost every major enterprise makes use of it to reduce infrastructure costs as well as provide a Software as a Service (SaaS) business model to offer web-based applications that create more profitable revenue streams. Since cloud computing has become a common name in the industry, there are thousands of providers for the service. So the question arises, “How do you select the right cloud service provider for your business?” Well the answer to that depends on how you follow the criteria stated below to select the right cloud service provider.
Do they guard well?
You must know where the data is kept by the cloud provider you employ. It should be guarded by security personnel all the time and surveillance cameras and mechanisms must be installed in the surroundings of the facility. The facility should not be accessible to imposters or unauthorized personnel. If a person is able to walk into a data center facility without being caught, then the security measures of such a cloud service provider lack credibility because your critical data has no guarantee of being protected from a theft or unauthorized access. Proper security measures such as biometric ID verification, trespassing alarms, etc. must be in place to ensure that your data is protected at all costs.
Are they geographically immune?
A data center facility where the data from your cloud service is likely to be stored away should not lie in a seismically active region because then it would be prone to disastrous consequences at the time of events like earthquake, storm and fire break-out. Always try to pick the locations lying outside the common pathways of hurricanes, thunderstorms, excessive heat radiation and other naturally hazardous environmental conditions. Not only that, but also at the time of crisis, the recovery locations must be accessible by company staff with ease and at the earliest.
Are they high tech?
Just because they have good storage hardware, does not mean they are the best. You need to analyze whether they employ the best in class technology for safeguarding your data such as software firewalls, encrypted data transmission, active monitoring tools, performance metrics to determine speed of service and much more. Without such software utilities it is difficult to stage claims about efficiency and other performance measures. The service provider you choose must be able to give a satisfactory report about their performance that is measured by proven standards and software utilities.
Are they what they claim?
Make sure that the security and other performance claims they make are solid and true. Ensure that certifications are for the mentioned technological guarantees or are accredited by an international standardization agency for quality service. There would be imposters and hence, it is important to select a service provider with a proven track record or have a valid legal certification from industry experts or information technology foundations. These certificates serve to prove the authenticity of the service provider and can be trusted.
Do they have sufficient backup facilities?
In the event of a disaster, your data which would determine the fate of your business, should not be lost or damaged. Hence the cloud service provider you choose must provide efficient backup mechanisms and options to safeguard your critical data. Proper software applications for backup should be available throughout and the entire facility should be periodically tested to estimate the level of preparedness it has in the event of a disaster.
Do they have reliable infrastructure?
The hardware infrastructure that a cloud service provider has must be fail-proof. They should not falter frequently and the power and cooling systems must always have proper backup mechanisms installed. A minute of service disruption by your cloud service provider can lead to millions of dollars in losses for your business. The network connectivity, bandwidth and other connectivity parameters must be of high quality.
Do they have apt personnel?
The service provider you choose must have experts personal handling your critical data. Lack of expertise could result in fatal damages and delay in rectifying mistakes or downtime of processes that are mission critical in nature.
In short, the cloud service provider you select must have bullet proof reliability and quality when it comes to the service they offer. Following the above criterion alone is not enough. You need to verify your service provider with the above criterion periodically so that you can be assured of quality cloud service all through the time.