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Apple and Android are the top preferred smart phones in Japan. In a survey conducted in June, 2012 Android covers 53 percent of the market; Apple iOS had a significant 32 percent share while Microsoft got 3.2 percent of the market. There was a surge in the number of smart phone users in Japan since the beginning of 2012 with a whopping 43 percent increase. There are a total of 24 million smart phone users and this represents 23 percent of the overall mobile population. The favorite among smart phone brands is Sharp with 22.5 percent, next is Panasonic Panasonic with 13.6 percent, Fujitsu with 11.8 percent, NEC with 8.9 percent, and Sony with 7.9 percent. The phones are primarily used for texting, mobile emails, games and novels. They hardly use their phone for voice calls especially in public places. No Voice Calls in Public Places Train commuters are constantly reminded to switch their phone to “manner mode” also known as silent mode, so that other people will not be bothered. In a country where collective need is the number 1 priority, talking on one’s mobile phone in public is considered unacceptable. In fact a person who is using his cell phone will not be allowed by the bus driver to enter the bus. He must end his call before boarding the public transportation. When their phone accidentally rings, they can answer it, but will immediately end the call. Unlike Westerners who are fond of talking on their phones while walking around the mall. It is an unwritten rule that phones must be on silent or vibrate mode whenever one is leaving the house. It is acceptable to take calls when in a cafe or restaurant. In theaters, the phones should be completely shut off, because even the small light can annoy other people. Smart Phone Novels Apart from calling and texting, users also read novels from their smart phones. Also known as “keitai shosetsu” or cell phone novels the stories are sent to users like a text message. The chapters usually have 70-100 words and are written by young authors who hide under pen names. The romantic fiction can be downloaded in installment form. Currently the most popular cell phone novel is “Second Hand Memories”. The chapters are short, with only 100 words, with interesting plots and twists. There have been a couple of cell phone novels that have been published into books; some have turned into a movie. Other countries have picked up the mobile bookworm trend. Commuters in China, Germany and South Africa, are also reading novels from their smart phones. The revolutionary literary genre allows anybody and write novels anywhere at any time. Smartphone Games The females in Japan are known to spend at least 90 minutes a day, sending emails and browsing the Internet using their Smartphone’s. The gadget is taking the place of credit cards, it also used for looking up train schedules, buying tickets, checking apartments for rent, making bank account cash transfers, selling and buying stocks, horoscopes, jokes, music charts, theater schedules, museum hours and the like. In trains, teenagers are often seen glued to their phones listening to music, reading novels or surfing the Internet. They are fond of sending emails. Girls actually go to restrooms so they can update their Facebook status and their friends about their date, or the movie or concert they are watching. For artists smart phones are used as storage for their random ideas. The Japanese are fond of playing games on their phones. Unlike typical arcade games, which give full cinematic experience, phone games are very simple, yet very popular. It primarily keeps the users busy when they are in between appointments, or waiting for the train. The games are primarily free, however once the players wish to upgrade to the next level then they must pay a fee. Free games can end in seconds. However high level games can go on and on. Some die hard gamers spend an average of $600 dollars a month for games. This form of entertainment is a big hit, because players can have fun with utmost anonymity. They actually take on a new character; they turn into a completely different person, when they play. The experience is a breather for a culture that is not fond of direct interaction. It gives people a chance to act like kids, and meet new friends while they play without revealing their true identity. A bank executive for instance could be playing with a cab driver, something that will not exactly happen in real life.