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Small businesses have been identified as the most unwilling adopters of cloud technology. This is due in part to the confusion the term “cloud computing” evokes in many managers of small businesses. Some think cloud technology represents another complex process that may be time-demanding and expensive; others simply do not want to spend their time and hard-earned resources on a supposedly new computing method of which efficiency they have no opportunity of confirming.
Here are some interesting discoveries: a large number of small businesses have Gmail, which means that they had already, unknowingly transferred their email service to the cloud through Google; some also utilize third-party storage facilities which are hosted in the cloud but which the business owners have no knowledge of. So, what is then the fuss about adopting cloud computing or not?
Small businesses have a lot to gain from using cloud computing. One of the great benefits of this is that they can be sure of continuous access by their clients or customers. When a business moves its operations from one physical location to another, its clients/customers will be required to wait for a certain of period of time until the business is set up at another physical location. However, cloud computing bridges this moment of transition and helps businesses keep their operations on-going even though they change office locations.
Business continuity, in this way, guarantees regular generation of revenues in the sense that client relationship will be unaffected by the move and they can enjoy the services that such a business renders.
Whether small business owners pay $50 a month or more to keep their IT infrastructure, data, email service etc in the cloud, they can still enjoy the rare advantage of gradually upgrading or scaling down their IT requirements with regard to storage capacity and other needs. This flexibility reveals that they can save on their IT expenses when compared to the cost of hiring IT personnel and maintaining in-house IT structure which are not scalable or flexible.
Most small business owners are yet unconvinced that cloud computing can offer the much needed protection for their data/information. This may have been the main fear that kept many small businesses from moving their entire IT systems to cloud. However, some recent developments in IT security and protection should be considered as positive signs that cloud computing is not as bad as managers of small businesses think it is—these latest developments point to the fact that cloud computing service providers also worry about satisfying their clients in this regard.
Hence, they constantly look for ways to make their clients’ IT systems secure, accessible and maintained in a fashion that business continuity will be possible. As a matter of fact, providing constant security to clients’ IT infrastructures does not only help cloud computing service providers to keep their customers, but it also helps their own businesses to grow. So, this is virtually a mutually beneficial relationship.
If small businesses are not expected to worry about the cost of maintaining in-house IT systems, hiring, training and maintaining IT personnel and securing their IT structures from time to time, it is clear that the excesses that would have been spent on the processes outlined above can be put to a more productive use.
This entails that small businesses can enjoy the opportunity of cost-efficiency as they divert unused funds to other areas of their business activities. This is why, specifically, cloud computing has been regarded as a tool for business innovation. Cloud technology helps businesses identify new areas of operations as well as maintaining the status quo in their current business activities.
Therefore, if there is anyone that must first consider using cloud computing, it should be managers of small businesses because of the benefits this approach will bring to their businesses.
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