Cloud News & Insights

The Health Industry Moves to the Cloud

Cloud technology in healthcareOne of the industries with the most intensive record control needs is the health industry. Recently the Certification Commission for Health Information Technology (CCHIT) made the decision to implement the use of a cloud-based suite of collaboration software to aid in the certification of electronic health record systems.


A Non-Profit with a Mission

The non-profit has a public mission of assisting in the adaption of electronic records keeping by the introduction of robust interoperable health information technology. It certifies electronic health record technology and has been an Authorized Testing and Certification Body approved by the Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services since 2006.


Cloud-Based Software on Cloud Hosting Service

The organization has been using the cloud-based software to facilitate file sharing amongst its own staff as well as with customers and contractors. It has recently moved the entire mission-critical application to a cloud hosting service in order to leverage the cost saving benefits of the cloud, along with the added gains in productivity.


Move to the Cloud Helps Collaboration

CCHIT has found that by moving to the cloud it has “helped us to collaborate more effectively with our customers and contractors,” says Earl Evans, Technology Engineer at CCHIT. “We are able to seamlessly store, move and share important files internally and with outside parties as needed, while maintaining strong security and good performance. [Having it cloud-hosted] permits us to enjoy those same capabilities, but with significantly decreased cost.”

The scalable collaborative cloud-based solution is a client-server product suite that enables users to collaborate on files from within the applications that they are already using. This feature greatly reduces training costs for the organization and allows end users to realize the benefits of the cloud at a much accelerated rate.


Scalability is Key

The ability to scale up or down as needed gives an organization such as CCHIT the kind of control it needs to instantly manage costs while still allowing the flexibility to expand upon demand. For an organization like CCHIT it is an exciting move to the cloud.


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