Cloud News & Insights

Business Intelligence in the Cloud

With the advantages of cloud computing stated loudly all over the web, is it any surprise that Business Intelligence (BI) should be moving to the cloud as well? With its need for reporting and analysis and an ability to control costs, cloud computing has the flexibility to provide just what BI needs.

With the ability to provide customers with a platform that can deliver standalone internally facing reporting and analysis, as well as providing an application framework for reporting and a development platform for function-specific data analysis the cloud-based BI tools are ideal for SMBs.

There are a number of types of analytics and statistics that are typically serviced by BI systems. Some of these that might be considered for Cloud BI are:

  • Traditional Relational databases, where they are the primary source data system
  • Systems Integrators for assembling customer solutions
  • Solving a function-specific data analysis problem such as supply chain analysis
  • Giving SMBs web-based applications sophisticated reporting and analytics
  • Project experimentation and evaluation at a distance for large enterprises

For a more detailed analysis on cost/operating models, architectural models and business models of cloud computing tools for BI, be sure to read the entire article here.

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