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Government Cloud Case Studies

Government and cloud technologyThere are many government agencies that have moved to the cloud in recent years. This site has listed the case studies of many of the agencies who now use software-as-a-service or have implemented cloud hosting and shows where the cost savings were realized. These case studies include:

    • Bureau of Engraving and Printing – Migration of off the shelf case management system to cloud based Software-as-a-service system for greater flexibility to monitor cases in anytime anywhere.
    • Department of Energy – Los Alamos Laboratory expansion required faster flexible deployment that led to launching a web-based portal for real-time self-service requests and provisioning.
    • NASA – Replace current system for working groups with an open-source platform that allows collaboration between NASA and the American public.
    • Social Security Administration – Needed to upgrade and streamline current response plan. Developed Online Answers Knowledge base with scalable FAQ option for online inquiries to meet peak traffic loads.

Although not a very detailed presentation, it does give anyone looking for examples of solutions in cloud hosting some ideas on what has worked. Many of the departments have numerous citations in this blog, so a wide range of solutions are presented.

Both federal and State government agencies are represented, and the names of specific programs are given when applicable. Both solutions using software-as-a-service and cloud hosting are represented, along with other cloud computing solutions. For presenting to decision makers or considering the scope of a change, the information is valuable for anyone looking at the possibility of moving to the cloud soon. Government studies can be accessed here.

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