Cloud News & Insights

The Future of Open Source Cloud Computing May Be Cloudy


CMSWire recently published an article that looks at open source cloud computing and its possible future direction. One of the biggest problems with open source cloud computing today is the lack of standards across the board. Taking a closer look at why standards are important and why they don’t yet exist is important to the growth of open source. Some of the reasons for standardization are:

  • Improve interoperability
  • Lower adoption costs for technology
  • Reduce focus on commodity features

The article goes in to greater detail on these reasons as well as listing a few more. But if standards are so important, why are we so slow in finding it? One solution for open source cloud computing is to create an open platform and that is what Open Stack claims to be. If it is such a great solution, then why is Red Hat not a part of the stampede towards OpenStack? For more on this discussion and a look at the answers to some of these cloud computing questions, read more at CMSWire.

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