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Salesforce Founder Marc Benioff Talks Cloud

Cloud Technology

If you are the guy who is considered the godfather of cloud computing, you believe in it. Marc Benioff shares with Technology Review his views on not only why cloud computing is so important in business today, but where it is going. A few years ago he declared that software was dead, and it now appears that his prediction is coming true. With over $150 billion spent on cloud computing in the past year, more businesses are embracing his vision of an office where hardware and software are immaterial and Software-as-a-Service is delivering timely up to date applications.

In the interview he discusses a number of important topics such as:

  • Who will dominate the new cloud reality
  • Why some cloud is “false cloud”
  • Areas where cloud will go in the future

As usual, Marc Benioff pulls no punches and says it the way he sees it. For a look at what one of the pioneers of cloud has to say about why every business needs to be looking at making cloud computing an integral part of their business plan, read more at Technology Review.

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