Cloud News & Insights

Cloud Bloggers Speak Out on Cloud in the Future

On Cloud TechnologyCloud Computing Journal is the bible for anyone who needs to know the latest in cloud technology. Every year before the Cloud Expo they ask a handful of experts what they see as the major trends for cloud computing in the next year. This year they talked to several leading members of the cloud community for their take on everything from AWS to Street Commerce.

The discussions were wide ranging and covered the following territory and more:

  • Peter Coffee at Salesforce: The growing volume of externally originating data will drive many companies to using cloud-based analytics
  • Krishnan Subramanian, Industry Analyst: Federated Clouds will take off in a big way
  • Randy Bias of Cloudscaling: The rise of open to solve enterprise IT problems
  • William Toll at Yotta: Early majority of ISVs transition their apps to PaaS
  • Mark Hinkle of Citrix: The rise of cloud management tools
  • Larry Carvalho runs Cloud Computing Bootcamp: Social Networking and Mobile get weaved together as cloud solutions

These are just a few of the things that these and other experts talk about regarding changes to come in cloud computing. Some of the predictions include some pretty dire futures for anyone not paying attention in this time of change. For a look at what they and others are saying when it comes to the new directions in cloud computing in the business community, read The Future of Cloud Computing: Industry Predictions for 2012 at Cloud Computing Journal.

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  • Laura

    We agree with these cloud predictions! At CumuLogic, we’re already seeing prediction number 4, 5 and 6 happening.