Cloud News & Insights

Why the Cloud is the Next Move in Real Estate

Cloud ComputingReal estate is a cut-throat business that turns on a dime and needs every penny it can keep. That is why so many real estate brokerage firms are now looking at cloud hosting as the latest tool to help the bottom line and improve reach out to potential clients. With the precarious state of the industry today, many firms are turning to cloud hosting solutions to improve their flexibility and cut costs, but how to start? It helps to know the best approach for this industry in specific.

The kinds of elements that this article looks at when moving a real estate brokerage firm to the clouds include:

  • Reducing office space for agents
  • Cutting operating costs for documents and communication
  • Increasing leads and improving marketing

There are many more advantages besides these, which this article lays out in detail, along with stepped phases to implement the move, listing of resources and links for anyone considering presenting the argument of moving to cloud hosting to the decision makers in their firm. Get all the facts you need here.

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