Cloud News & Insights

GMO Cloud at Cloud Expo 2011 in Santa Clara, CA

It’s been an amazing week in Silicon Valley at Cloud Expo 2011! This 9th annual event hosted four days of highly informative cloud computing keynotes and sessions at the conference. While many focused on overall Enterprise IT needs, including private and hybrid cloud, attendees seemed just as enthusiastic about deeper topics in the areas of migration, virtualization, security, storage and mobile cloud strategy. Businesses and attendees have come in from all over the world.

The cloud expo show floor had over 100 booths from cloud hosting, cloud computing and every form of cloud platform (PaaS) and infrastructure (IaaS) software and solutions that you can imagine. Technical representatives pitched their products and services with slick presentations and demos.

We experienced a great deal of energy moving through the conference sessions and the exhibition floor. People were highly engaged talking all things cloud. Everyone that we met expressed extreme value in the event — gaining the latest expert information and advice from industry leaders while making business contacts from a broad spectrum of IT professionals from network engineers and enterprise architects up to CIOs, CTOs and CEOs.

Our own GMO Cloud teams, from both US and Japan, thoroughly enjoyed meeting up with partners and other vendors. GMO Cloud K.K. President and CEO Aoyama Mitsuri and GMO Cloud America President and CEO Ryo Tamura especially appreciated the opportunity to meet with OnApp CEO Ditlev Bredahl. OnApp is GMO Cloud America’s latest technical partner. “We’ve been quite impressed with the growth of OnApp and their cloud deployment products. We’re really looking forward to the partnership.” shared GMO Cloud America CTO Taro Akiyama.

We hope you had an opportunity to attend the conference or tune in to some of the live streamed sessions. We’re already looking forward to next year!

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