Cloud News & Insights

Top Ten Technological Changes for 2012 in Business

Technological ChangesWith cloud computing and virtualization leading the pack of technologies, it is no surprise that the top ten list from Quest Software shows they are predicting cloud computing solutions to make enormous changes in how we do business over the upcoming year. The emergence of cloud-based solutions for a wide variety of business applications has threatened to change not just the IT side of business, but also the whole way we look at doing business today.

Among the technologies for communications, security, operations and systems management that Quest sees being affected by the wider scale adaption of cloud computing, the following are included:

  • SaaS – Software as a Service, especially shared business services that include such things as messaging and customer service are going to be amongst the top services in popularity next year.
  • Better Cloud Service Provider Services – The very concerns many now have over public cloud services will be addressed such as security issues, ability to conform to compliance requirements and the ability to access management controls.
  • Apple’s leadership role in IT mobile market challenged – Google and Microsoft are cranking up the competition with Android and Windows 7. It will soon lead to businesses needing to make some decisions about what platform to go with.
  • Social Networking in Business – As more and more employees continue to expand the amount of time spent on social networking, businesses will need to grow more aware of how this will affect their bottom line.

This is just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to how cloud computing will be affecting all businesses, but especially SMBs in the coming year. For a look at the complete top ten list, be sure to read Michelle Hammond’s full list at StartupSmart.

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