Cloud News & Insights

Is Multi-tenancy the Way for your Business to Go?

Multi-tenancyFor any companies that are looking at cloud hosting as one cloud-based solution to their business needs, the first big question always seems to be whether to go with a multi-tenancy public cloud solution. Many of the larger enterprise companies are taking the path of a private cloud solution, but it isn’t the solution for everyone.

One of the elements that many companies are questioning is the security aspects of a multi-tenancy cloud server. There has been plenty of talk on the web about whether the problems outweigh the answers. But do you even know what multi-tenancy is and what the questions are concerning security? This article takes a look at both a simple definition of how this particular type of cloud hosting works and the situations where going that route makes sense.

There are questions you can ask to get clarification from a host server on what security they offer such as:

    • Do they have SAS 70 certification?
    • Are they willing to do a penetration test for your set-up prior to going live?
    • Is the data encrypted?

For a full list of questions as well as a few links to some more detailed overviews of the security questions, please continue reading at Simon Withers’ blog.

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