Cloud News & Insights

Web-Based Education Business ConnectEdu Reduces Infrastructure Costs with Cloud Move

Web-based educationConnectEdu is a web-based education business that empowers its students to manage their education. Because the education industry is seasonal, they wanted a solution that would be flexible and allow them to scale up or down resources as needed.

They decided on cloud computing because it was more cost effective and would allow upgrades and a move from development to test and Q&A with ease.

They implemented the change with a strategy that saved them upfront costs on applications and decreased their internal IT expenses by 80%. The basics of the plan were:

  1. Used remote servers to install app-specific software
  2. Cloned the platform for a clean installation
  3. Converted internal servers to SaaS based model

Rick Blaisdell outlines the basics of his plan, with a link to more specific information, in this blog that tells why he chose to use cloud computing and how it helped his business grow. For a closer look at the steps to implement a cloud computing system onto his education-based web business, read Blaisdell’s recent article.

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