Cloud News & Insights

How Small Business Thrives in the Cloud – Looking Forward to CloudBeat 2011

Small Businesses and the CloudIt used to be that to start a business you needed serious capital for things like computers, servers and software. But virtual servers in the cloud can deliver to new start-ups software, customers and more. Learn how some of the best and brightest entrepreneurs and smart new companies have unleashed disruptive technologies, services and processes to grow their businesses using virtual servers and the cloud.

Next week will see the meeting of many of these free thinkers at Cloudbeat 2011, a business expo for smart business owners to see examples and case studies of real solutions to many of the cloud business concepts for today. Included at the show will be discussions by:

  1. CEO of the Web’s largest business content collaboration solution YouSendIt
  2. Founder & CEO of Social Network Yammer
  3. Founder & CEO of EchoSign, just acquired by Adobe

There will be plenty to see and hear so to learn more, be sure to check out more about the event.

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