Cloud News & Insights

Friday Cloud News Roundup

GMO Cloud News Roundup

A Content Social network For Cloud

For those who work in cloud technology or for businesses that use cloud technology, sometimes keeping up with changes can be a job in itself. Enter PaperShare, a new social network that centers on content instead of people, and has a community all about the cloud. Initially intended to center on professionals in the cloud technology business, it will quickly branch out to embrace the various vertical industries such as healthcare and finance in the coming year.

BNA to Host State Tax Seminar on Cloud Business

With many of the state governments looking for new sources of revenue, tax laws are being reinterpreted to help capture state income from cloud transactions. This can vary from state to state and for many businesses can be a nightmare to decode. BNA, a tax and accounting subsidiary of Bloomberg, will be holding a video seminar on Dec. 1 to address this and help cloud based businesses understand their various tax liabilities.

The Cyber Workforce and the Cloud

Are you prepared for the impact of the cloud on your workforce? This short article looks at the future for the IT workforce and how that change will impact businesses as they embrace the cloud. Forrester Research, ComputerWorld and IT staffing company iSpace discuss how the coming changes in IT from the adaption of the cloud could impact everyone, not just IT workers.

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