Cloud News & Insights

Beyond Virtual Servers, Great Cloud Tools for SMBs

Virtual ServersWith cloud computing here to stay and many of the smaller businesses beginning to take advantage of what the cloud has to offer, PC World Magazine looks at cloud tools for small business. There are many great cloud server-based tools that are either free or very inexpensive that can help a small business to compete.

Although by no means an exhaustive look at the tools available for small businesses, this list of thirteen of the most promising cloud server-based tools that can make SMBs work easier is a great place to start. If you are thinking you need to bring your business up to date, or are even just considering starting up a new business, these are all great tips on cloud server-based tools that can make your business a leaner competitor. The tools are in five categories:

  1. Storage and Backup – A look at two of the more well-known storage and backup cloud tools: Egnyte Hybrid Cloud Solution and Dropbox.
  2. Productivity – A quick look at Google Docs, Google Apps and Microsoft Office Live Small Business (soon to be Microsoft Office 365)
  3. Finance and Accounting – A look at financing tool and a simple accounting tool with
  4. CRM and Communication – PC World looks at the CRM Cloud leader: Salesforce as well as two cloud communication tools Skype and DimDim (recently acquired by Salesforce).
  5. IT Tools and Database – A quick look at two IT tools Meraki WiFi Stumbler and LogMeIn Central as well as Intuit’s cloud database tool Quickbase.

For a more detailed look at these cloud server-based tools and how they can help your business, be sure to read more at

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