Cloud News & Insights

Green Cloud Servers for Data Storage Makes Iceland Company GreenQloud Hot

Green Cloud ServersFor many smaller businesses and especially SMBs that are under 1,000 employees, the move to cloud servers for data storage has become an area of increasing opportunities. The technology has gotten easier and the ability to move and control cloud servers for small businesses has gotten better every month as more cloud storage opportunities arrive.

One area that is starting to get more attention is how to make these cloud servers more “green” or more ecologically feasible as attention is paid to the enormous amounts of energy that a typical cloud storage facility can use. One of the hottest new green cloud storage companies is from Iceland, a country known for its green record. In a country where the vast majority of every business and home is heated with geothermal energy, it should be no surprise to discover that their latest offering, a cloud storage facility to rival any found elsewhere, is run with renewable hydro and geothermal energy making it one of the greenest cloud server facilities anywhere.

If you have a business that cares about the environment and wants to find an affordable alternative to the energy hungry data centers seen across most nations, you might want to consider what a green-conscious business like GreenQloud can do for your carbon footprint.

Be sure the read more here for a look at a surprisingly affordable alternative to the traditional approach to cloud servers storage.

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