Cloud News & Insights

Startups Moving to Cloud in Record Numbers

Startups Moving to the CloudThe use of cloud technology for startups may be the very thing that fuels the upcoming boom in business development. This is the viewpoint of Forbes latest look at technology and business by guest writer Joe McKendrick. In this forward-looking article, he shows by examples how various startups have used cloud technology as a key component of their business to cut down startup costs and turn a profit more quickly.

It doesn’t matter whether it is college kids straight out of school, long time business professionals looking for a new start or corporate professionals looking at becoming entrepreneurs. The move to cloud technology has made new businesses in everything from travel services to scientific ventures and entertainment businesses a more sustainable possibility with very little upfront costs compared to traditional startups.

The article also looks at recent surveys that show over 50% of new businesses are using cloud technology in everything from finances to sales to storage and backup. The critical first three years are where the biggest savings occur and McKendrick has the numbers to back this up. To read his interview with Jeff Weiner, CEO of LinkedIn and an in-depth look at one very successful startups venture, Cycle Computing, continue reading at

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