Cloud News & Insights

Moving Cloud Servers into Education

Education in the CloudWhile we often focus on the ways that business, especially SMBs can benefit from a move to cloud server based operations, educational centers are poised to make a move to the cloud as well. Cloud technology blog CloudTweaks takes a look at how the world of education, at all levels, can benefit from the latest cloud servers technology.

In this concise look at how cloud servers can solve many of today’s problems in the classroom the author identifies various areas where the application of cloud servers to the current technology can make classrooms more efficient learning environments. Here are just a couple examples of how the author sees the education system moving to the clouds:

  1. Staff – Using a cloud server based distributed management system to balance staff workloads across entire school systems.
  2. Teachers – Setting up virtual classrooms to handle smaller class loads or expand when teachers are at a premium.
  3. Students – Use cloud based learning for homework that would allow students to collaborate with a large range of fellow learners.
  4. Applications – In colleges and universities, allow students to have access to complex technical applications previously only available to high end Universities through a shared system of cloud servers.

For a look at how both public school systems and higher education centers can use cloud servers and cloud technology to give greater access to a larger range of students, read the full story at CloudTweaks.

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