Cloud News & Insights

Could Mobility and not Cost be the Driver for the Cloud in Business?

Business DriversRick Blaisdell often has some interesting observations to make about business in the cloud. This post is no exception as he takes a look at a recent report from CSC, a leading business solution company, about why companies choose to move some of their business to cloud computing.

In this article he makes several statements that show how business is evolving, and why technology may be the solution but human behavior seems to be the driver. Here are a couple of the pathways that Rick discusses, along with giving us links to some interesting comments and articles that back up his thinking:

  1. Accessibility, not cost drives the move to the cloud
  2. The time for the Desktop PC in business is passing
  3. The move to mobility applies to individuals and businesses alike

For a look at Rick’s thinking, and where he sees business going in the future when it comes to the cloud, be sure to read more.


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