Cloud News & Insights

Is Your Data Management Strategy in Place for 2012?

Data ManagementAs we begin to look to the coming year, one of the focus points for many SMBs will be data management and how they can strategize making the most of their new cloud vps servers capabilities. Informatica’s Darren Cunningham takes a look at a few articles that have popped up lately regarding trends in cloud data management, as well as a look at some questions SMBs should be asking for the coming year about how they will be able to best use the cloud vps servers they now access. Here are a few of the questions that every SMB should be considering as they plan the coming year’s cloud strategy:


  1. How does Data as a Service fit in your plans? – The cloud is changing how we give and get data. Is your B2B plan including this strategy?
  2. The Growth of Master Data Management – As the need to be consumer centric grows, so does the need for MDM. Are you ready?
  3. Will the consumerization of IT change your plans? – It is one of the big trends. How can you evolve yours to be a profit center instead of a cost center?

For a look at more of Cunningham’s ideas and some great links to even more data management and cloud vps servers ideas, be sure to read here.

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