Cloud News & Insights

Maximizing Cloud Computing By Ensuring Network Connectivity

Organizing in the CloudNow that cloud computing has well-established its position as the “next big thing” in technological advancement, the next challenge for the industry is to guide organizations on how to ensure consistent connectivity; acknowledging that with cloud, networks will become the most important aspect of ICT infrastructure and at the same time, the most vulnerable.

An article in Free Business Thinking provides a list of the top 5 points of action that CIOs need to consider this year:

  1. Network provisioning for cloud computing
  2. Business disruption due to major events
  3. Get the best from network and the provider
  4. A new look for the organization
  5. Prepare for BYOD schemes

To aid CIOs with the resolutions above, some guide questions were provided:

  • Can networks handle the big change with regard to businesses accessing information assets?
  • Do you have the necessary bandwidth for video conferencing?
  • Is your VPN secure if accessed remotely?
  • What are the cultural challenges that need to be addressed across the business?
  • Is your office BYOD scheme ready?

Want to know more? Continue reading the guide questions on the site and see how you can help your organization address the challenges ahead.


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