Cloud News & Insights

A Technological Step for Healthcare as the Cloud Brings About Faster Information Exchange

Cloud HealthcareNew York-based health information exchange (HIE), HEALTHeLINK has recently joined other HIEs that have adopted a cloud-based image storage and exchange system.

This solution will only require the installation of edge servers and will speed up the electronic mobilization of healthcare information across multiple facilities. This can be done by allowing access of images through an online platform without requiring any special security processes.

Technology provider, eHealth Global Technologies (eHGT) expressed their optimism that more HIEs will be adopting the cloud, as they named a couple more HIEs already using their system:

  • Rochester RHIO
  • Health eConnections RHIO of Central New York

Here are some improvements that the new solution will give:

  • Reduction of unnecessary imaging exams
  • Reduced cost of care
  • Physicians’ immediate access to data that allows them to provide faster diagnosis and treatment

Read the full article and be updated on the technological initiatives of the healthcare industry, visit Fierce Health IT.

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