Cloud News & Insights

Cloud Computing: What to Consider Prior to and During Migration?

Considerations in moving to the cloudAs wave after wave of organizations have started to fully embrace the cloud, they are also starting to realize that, like all things, it comes with unavoidable complexities; more particularly, in the aspect of management

More often than not, the cause for the unsatisfactory or even failed result of cloud adoption is the impulsive dive without carefully considering the technical implications within and after the process. Two separate articles raise very crucial points that need to be considered in an organization’s migration process to the cloud.

The first was based on an article about the five key tips to cloud migration. In summary, the organizations need to asses their needs and determine which type of cloud service should be obtained. As a guide, businesses need to ask leading questions like:

  • What kind of cloud service does my system need?
  • Can the cloud deliver applications with acceptable performance?
  • Do I have compliance considerations in using shared infrastructure?
  • Will the cloud meet my availability requirements?

Another important factor is discussed in an article in IT Business Edge, that while cloud has its complexities, organizations already need to consider as many policy issues as possible. The objective of this article is to communicate that IT personnel also need to be motivated to efficiently implement cloud adoption in their respective organizations.

The bottom line is, businesses need to have the mindset that the cloud is just a means to an end, and not the end in itself – meaning, it is but another tool that can be used to make systems more efficient. Organizations, especially their IT people, still need to keep their business objectives in mind.

Read more about the identification of issues in cloud migration and the recommendations on how to address these issues in Appreciating the Complexities of Cloud Computing. Also, take a more comprehensive look at the important drivers to adoption in Cloud Migration: Five Key Tips.


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