Cloud News & Insights

Cloud for SMBs: Lead or Follow

Cloud for SMBsTech analyst, Jeff Kagan shares his thoughts through his article in Ecommerce Times on the wave of cloud presence industry after industry. He expressed that moving to the cloud is an inevitable transformation among companies in almost all industries, and as these companies are slowly “dipping their toes in the water”, the rule book is being written and the only options are either to lead or follow.

In extracting the wisdom out of this article, he itemizes some industries whose cloud-based technologies have started to take off:

  • Mobile applications: Apple’s iCloud, Amazon’s Kindle, Barnes and Noble’s Nook
  • Automotive: General Motors, Lexus, Mercedes Benz, BMW
  • Healthcare: mHealth and eHealth apps
  • Banking and Finance: Accessing accounts online
  • Travel: Accessing travel and booking via cloud-based apps

The author further elaborates on how each industry will transform the business processes of each industry using the cloud. Read the full article and see the author’s broadened outlook on the cloud in Ecommerce Times.


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