Cloud News & Insights

Understanding Platform As A Service

Understanding PaaSThe first step to a successful Platform-as-a-Service (PaaS) implementation is understanding the delivery model. Generally, this is the conflict that federal managers encounter, according to a new white paper by NJVC and Virtual Global as cited in an article in Government Computer News.

As Federal CIO Van Roekel identified that PaaS is the next major value set for federal cloud computing, it is but logical for private companies and organizations to follow.

“The first wave of cloud computing is about consolidating data centers, the PaaS wave is about consolidating applications,” as quoted from Cary Landis, co-author of the white paper and Virtual Global Senior platform architect and founder; and further adds that it may be more complex but savings will be greater.

Using a common security model, the PaaS will allow agencies to:

  • Lower their risks
  • Promote shared services
  • Improve software security

Read the full article at and see how the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) defines PaaS and how this next wave will help in cost reduction of organization expenses.


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