Cloud News & Insights

PaaS Leads Innovation of Business Use of Cloud Computing

PaaS For InnovationPlatform-as-a-Service (PaaS) products are likely to evolve into a major component of the overall cloud computing market. This is according to Yefim Natis, Vice President and analyst at Gartner, as written in an article in echannelline.

According to him, at the rate of growth of PaaS offerings, the market will produce new programming models, new standards, new software and new market leaders by 2016.

The challenge ahead is how the market and major players would handle the tension between the short-term and long-term strategic imperative of PaaS as it will define the key developments in the market in the next few years.

Because of this, users and vendors that are not yet engaged with PaaS are encouraged to start getting into the technology if they want to be able to keep up with future challenges and fast-paced changes.

Read more about the article and see why PaaS is seen to be a t the apex of its strategic growth. Visit echannelline now.


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