Cloud News & Insights

Out With the Old? – A Look Into Cloud Customer Support

Customer SupportA cloud customer service organization must now be aware on how it plans to achieve customer satisfaction. Author and Sales Logistix CEO, David Taber, writes in an article in, his insights on how customer service should no longer be operated solely on conventional processes and instead, throw into the mix modern methodologies such as social media or an intuitive customer support application.

The article gives social media much weight on its influence in today’s customer service discipline. If an organization does not pay attention, a simple customer dissatisfaction may turn into a web firestorm that can be magnified through social media and can take this to a global scale within hours.

To prevent this, the author gave some guidelines on how to act on this and to what extent should social network be used for customer service and when traditional ways become necessary:

  • Provide a customer portal – to exchange information in a controlled environment
  • Create forums and manage a community to harness the good side of customer support
  • Provide multi-channel communication
  • Conduct reputation measurement and management

Although most customers rely greatly on social media, there are limitations and firms need to be aware as well.

Read the full article and find out the rest of the recommendations on how to enhance cloud customer service at


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