Cloud News & Insights

Cloud-Based Business Intelligence Increases Popularity

Cloud Business IntelligenceA recent release in MarketWatch announced a study conducted by TechAisle in SMB business intelligence adoption and trends.

The study showed that 22% of SMB’s are already using business intelligence (BI) and that 27% are planning to use BI in the coming year.

As the number of users appreciating business intelligence and big data analytics increases, more of them are using various vendors for different type of business intelligence areas:

  • Cloud-based business intelligence
  • Collaborative business intelligence
  • Mobile business intelligence

In studying the trend and the planned usage of the technology, cloud BI shows a lot of promise as usage rate is expected to increase by 59% from its 2011 figures.

While there are challenges to the adoption, benefits such as ease of use, real time analytics and platform integration will accelerate it.

Visit Market Watch to view the whole article and to find out the link to TechAisle’s report.


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