Cloud News & Insights

What Drives Cloud Adoption in the Healthcare Industry?

More often than not, the healthcare industry is at least a few steps behind technological innovation – cloud technology adoption is not any different.

At this time, where technology is not seen in the industry as a tool to leverage on improvement of patient care, providers and even governments around the world find themselves spending a considerable amount of capital or GDP, which is clearly unsustainable.

In the second installment of healthcare industry blog series in HDS, author Dave Wilson, senior director of Global Health and Life Sciences discusses the top healthcare drivers for cloud technology:

  • Delivery of cost-effective healthcare
  • Government incentives
  • Clinical innovation
  • Big data growth
  • Administrative simplification
  • Cloud challenges

Though these drivers have not been very prominent to be seen as influencing factors in technological innovations in the healthcare industry, though it is undeniable that they are crucial to its development. To read the full article, visit HDS.


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