Cloud News & Insights

Empowering SMBs Through Cloud Technology

An article in Smallbiztechnology emphasizes the country’s support for small to medium-sized businesses as they have the greatest potential to revitalize the economy due to their competitive nature. This was deduced from a report published by the Center for Public Policy Innovation.

With the use of cloud technology, small businesses are able to compete with large corporations as they can already tackle larger projects. Needless to say that cloud-based services can make a small business seem bigger in terms of employee count.

To further stress on the government’s support, the Start-up America Act was mentioned where it seeks to promote the growth of start-ups. It says that in a thriving economy, SMB’s can provide:

  • Most job growth
  • Most innovative ideas that drive today’s economy

The cloud plays a great role in restoring competitiveness among small businesses, encouraging them to develop businesses that will increase employment opportunities and stimulate the economy.

Read the full article in Smallbiztechnology to see more details on the Start-up Act and how SMB’s will help the US economy.


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