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How CIO-CFO Collaboration Can Help Businesses Enhance Cloud Adoption

CIO-CFO collaborationC-level officers need to collaborate to achieve the common goal of optimizing the business to serve clients. The cloud shift of businesses is not only focused on how IT operates but it also involves the financial underpinnings needed for success – this is according to an article in Forbes.

More particularly, the CIO and CFO of a business need to create a roadmap that helps navigate the financial and technological decisions in technology shifts; especially in adopting the cloud, which is not an overnight journey.

The article also cited the top 5 reasons why CIO’s and CFO’s should join forces to drive business success to the cloud:

  • CIO’s can help CFO’s understand the business case for the cloud
  • CIO’s and CFO’s must collaborate on a deployment plan
  • CFO’s must have CIO insight to fully grasp financial implications
  • Managing cloud technology implementation
  • CIO and CFO need to unite to overcome “shadow IT”

Further explanations were given to strengthen these points, most of which were centered on how the two major personalities need to understand and acknowledge each other’s roles to move the business forward. Visit Forbes to read the full article on the reasons why the CIO and CFO of a business should band together to successfully implement cloud technology.


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