Cloud News & Insights

How Hoteliers Can Make Use of the Cloud

While it is clear and obvious for some industries on how they can leverage on the power of cloud computing, the hospitality industry is not entirely part of it.

A transcript of an interview with Fladgate partner, Anthony Lee by Hotel Industry discusses what hoteliers need to know about the cloud.

According to Lee, in the front line perspective, the industry is already utilizing the cloud in the form of global distribution systems (GDS’s) such as Galileo and Amadeus. On the back-end perspective, there are already activities toward web-based systems.

Here are major considerations that were mentioned:

Ensure sensible precautions to secure data
Secure a sensible contract and meaningful service levels

Risks, according to Lee, will always be present – whether it is technological or caused by people. The key here is to ensure that these risks are contained and that the right provider is chosen.


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