Cloud News & Insights

Cloud Computing: Important in the Development of the Healthcare Industry

An article in InPharm talks about cloud computing being the next big thing in the Healthcare industry. This forecast of significant growth was supported in the article by citing a new report by GBI Research, a firm specializing on business intelligence analysis – it indicated that improved electronic data systems are eagerly anticipated in hospitals all over the world.

The challenge however, in the Healthcare IT industry, is the risk aversion and cost-cutting measures taken by developed countries because of the global economic recession.

Still, the status of cloud technology remains strong, this applies to the pharmaceutical market as well. According to R. Arun Kumar, Senior VP of Applications Services at CapGemini, cloud technology’s presence is starting to be felt in:

  • Research and development
  • Clinical trial management
  • Healthcare information exchanges

This technology is starting to be recognized as a crucial aspect in the development of the industry as it has capabilities that traditional computing cannot accommodate.

Visit InPharm to read the full article and see which cloud providers are now offering specialized services to the healthcare industry.


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