Cloud News & Insights

Friday Cloud News Roundup

How Green is Your Cloud?

Cloud computing is seen as an energy saver for organizations. This is made possible by cloud hosting providers offering large amounts of storage and access to applications.

The next questions is, since providers ave had to scale up their power consumption, how much energy is actually being consumed?

The report, “How Green is Your Cloud” by Greenpeace is all about tracking sustainabilities among tech companies and assessing the green footprint of the move to cloud computing. This summary can be found in an article in Health News Digest.

Some sites like:

  • Google
  • Yahoo
  • Facebook

have already started to lead the sector down a clean energy pathway through innovations in energy efficiency.

Most organizations, however, have not yet followed this trend. Visit Health News Digest to read the full article and see how companies can successfully implement green cloud adoption.

Small Biz Tech Summit Revisited

The Seventh Annual Small Business Summit held last March 6, 2012 was mainly focused on cloud computing and how it will help in the success of small businesses.

A recent article in Small Biz Technology shows highlights from the event. The summit also made efforts in showing the attendees how cloud computing works.

Visit Small Biz Technology to get the link to archived videos from the event and revisit the lessons delivered from the speeches of industry experts from:

  • SMB Group
  • Dell Cloud Business Applications

Big Data and Cloud Convergence

An article in Global Services Media talks about how the collaboration of big data and cloud computing will influence a transformational shift in the outsourcing and IT services delivery market – this is because these aspects are generally user-driven.

According to Novatium Solutions India CEO and Managing Director Alok Singh, the cloud is actually the result of consumer expectations and is also for everyday consumers who are unknowingly using cloud.

Here are some benefits from Cloud-BI convergence that consumers can leverage on:

  • Trend analysis
  • Market forecast
  • Consumer behavior study

How does the fast growing IT consumerization affect the cloud technology industry? Visit Global Services Media to read this comprehensive blog and see which other business verticals would immensely benefit from this convergence.

Wal-Mart’s Disc-to-Digital Expansion

After the recent launch of Wal-Mart’s Vudu-powered cloud video service, Disc-to-Digital, it will be expanding to be offered to 30 other countries in:

  • Europe
  • Asia
  • Central and South America

Currently, the Ultraviolet-based service has already surpassed Sony and Amazon in video distribution. This service allows users to upload their CD’s and have them stored in Apple’s cloud and be accessed from any Vudu-enabled device like iPad, laptops, Xbox, Bluray and HDTV.

Visit Computerworld to see and subscribe to more updates on this new service and other technologies that promotes IT consumerization.

The Emergence of Cloud Infrastructure Testing and Monitoring

In adopting cloud technology, enterprises usually test:

  • Security
  • Scalability
  • Performance of applications

An article in Sacramento Bee shares a new analysis from Frost and Sullivan’s Cloud Infrastructure Testing and Cloud-Based Application Monitoring Markets.

It showed that from 2010′s $168M revenue, it is projected to increase to $556.2M by 2017. With this in mind, methods on testing the effectiveness of cloud services have emerged. Enterprises adopting the cloud need to perform a careful analysis of expected ROI and use market intelligence information to determine growth opportunities.

Providers and vendors have now come up or are coming up with equipment and solutions to assess these factors and validate cloud infrastructure.

Visit Sacramento Bee to read the article and find out why testing and assessment is deemed crucial to the success of the cloud adoption market. Furthermore, gain access to the full Frost and Sullivan report by click on the link in the site.

GigaOM’s Structure Conference 2012

This year’s GigaOM Structure Conference will be held on June 20-21 in San Francisco, California.

The event will be evaluating how the cloud will affect the way companies do businesses globally.

Here are some highlights of the event:

  • How will public cloud disrupt the global IT market?
  • Is software-defined networking being used practically?
  • Standardization of cloud API’s

Visit GigaOM to sign up for the conference and get more updates on the event.


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