Cloud News & Insights

Before You Choose a Cloud Solution for Your Business…

Basic Cloud ConceptsWith all the build-up and complexities of cloud computing and its adoption into organizations’ systems and processes, Bill ODell writes an article in Sys-Con that brings readers back to basics.

Given that the implementation of cloud technology can greatly improve the critical parts of a business in terms of growth and scalability, the most important step is being able to first understand the actual technology that cloud delivers.

The article emphasizes that businesses need to know what the basic concepts of the cloud mean. ODell adds that there is no special formula for a successful move to the cloud, instead, business owners need to assess if moving to the cloud:

  • Makes sense for the company
  • Gives the company a competitive advantage
  • Maps well to the business processes

Visit this article in Sys-Con and read the simple, no-frill write-up explaining the fundamentals of cloud computing.


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