Cloud News & Insights

Open Cloud Taps Into the Bio-Science Community

GenomeSpace LogoThe Human Genome Project (HGP) that was completed in 2003 has opened up important discoveries in the world of science, including the search for the cure for cancer. This was an emphasis made by Jill Mesirov, Director and Chief Informatics Officer at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard, during her keynote speech at the Bio-IT World Conference last April 24.

An article in Internet Evolution summarizes her speech as the need for technology was repeatedly stressed. Technology plays a key role in the field of bio-medicine that as there is progress in medical science, work flows and algorithms become more complex; hence, there is greater demand for computing power.

One of the solutions that Mesirov pointed out was Genome Space – a cloud-based open source data management center for bio informatics tools. This solution allows:

  • Easy accessibility
  • Easy conversion
  • Frictionless sharing

In short, Genome Space is believed to address Broad Institute’s objective “to make the newest bio informatics tools and most modern data management and identification methods available to any working biologist”.

Read the full article at Internet Evolution and see how this cloud-based technology is perceived to be a solution that can address the current challenges in the bio-science field.


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