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Cloud Security Needs to be Part of Planning Stage

Cloud Security“Traditionally – and even today – security is an afterthought, bolted on,” according to Becky Swain, co-founder of Cloud Security Alliance (CSA).

This was part of the article written by technology and business writer, Susan Kuchinskas entitled, “8 Steps to a Secure Cloud Initiative”. She emphasizes that security needs to be part of the first stages of cloud deployment: Planning. More importantly, she writes about how to design a secure system. Here are the first few steps:

  1. Segment data based on sensitivity
  2. Decide how much security is to be outsourced
  3. Identify a “short list” of cloud vendors for evaluation

Another citation in this article is NASA’s Jet Propulsion Lab CTO Tomas Sodestrom’s advice, which is to “Focus on real business problems, not IT experiments”.

Visit Esecurityplanet to read the rest of the steps and find out why these steps will help in implementing a secure cloud deployment.


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