Cloud News & Insights

How Cloud Computing Creates Efficiency in E-Learning Strategies

Mother and son looking at a laptop

Recent investigations into online education reveal an encouraging trend of cloud computing positively influencing e-learning strategies, necessitating efficiency and expanding the reach of cloud-based education to students barred by distance and busy working schedules.

Cloud computing is employed in e-learning in the following ways:

  • Software as a Service (SaaS)—whereby educational software in the form of useful applications is hosted in the cloud. These applications include, but are not restricted to: word processing software, mathematical analysis and visualization tools, and/or more advanced ones like cyber-physical simulations. These kinds of software could be owned by educational institutions or by open source communities for easier and better access by the students utilizing their e-learning platforms.

  • Storage as a Service (STaaS)—in this case, all data generated in the course of learning could be successfully stored in the cloud as either structured data (database) or non-structured data (files and binary large objects). Hence, students as well as their teachers would be able to easily access their stored data by accessing STaaS through their portals (computers, laptops, Smartphone etc). There is no limitation to the amount of data that could be stored through this procedure.

  • Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS)—Cloud service providers in this regard are expected to provide networking, IT, computing and storage services to those involved in e-learning for the purpose of creating conducive environments for academic collaboration, interaction and management.

The three kinds of cloud computing services highlighted above are meant to guarantee efficiency in all areas of e-learning operations. Hence, each institution that operates an e-learning program adopts cloud computing to achieve goals and purposes such as:

  • Providing distance students with efficient virtual classroom tools like video, audio and virtual meeting tools. A syndicated studio infrastructure that includes a PowerPoint presentation software, demo lessons, interactive drawing tools and recorded lesson material can be successfully stored in a cloud where both students and instructors can easily access it.

  • Cloud-based e-learning also makes virtual interaction between students and instructors or fellow students easier by providing readily accessible web communication tools: Skype, video and audio content, video conferencing, email, blogs, and documentation review tools stored in the cloud.

  • Efficient e-learning management is possible with the adoption of cloud computing, as course management tools like online surveys, quizzes and exams, assignments, rubrics (learning expectations and goals), course feedback, news, calendars, submission procedures can all be easily accessed through the cloud on learners’ portals (be it on computers, laptops, Smartphones etc).

  • Cloud computing also facilitates courseware and information management in an e-learning environment. This courseware includes web pages designed to reveal course syllabuses, instruction videos, course examples, required reading, sample academic papers, textbook-extended resources, data sheets, application notes, and other online documents designed to enhance the quality of e-learning. Some courseware used in e-learning can be accessed from open- source cloud like Google Docs, Google Books, and code cloud-based tools.

It is evident that cloud computing offers increasing possibilities for institutions to develop their e-learning programs in a way that efficiency will be guaranteed. The advantages of using a public cloud service are:

  1. - The process of learning can remain undisturbed no matter the amount of data processed from one end of the spectrum to another;
  2. - Unlimited storage capacity can facilitate quick access to vital lesson materials in real-time, unlike traditional hosting that may restrict the frequency of access to vital courseware and other educational or instructional materials.

Just like other frequently used applications and programs, online learning calls for scalability, which requires high availability functions. Visit the Features page and see what other advantages are offered from the high availability function of public cloud.


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About the Guest Author:

Jerry Olasakinju

Jerry Olasakinju, a Bachelor of Technology (B.Tech) degree holder, is a passionate researcher and writer whose interest in everything computing seems unparalleled. He blogs about his literary works at

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