Cloud News & Insights

Impacts of Cloud Computing in Japan’s Social Media

Impacts of Cloud Computing in Japans Social Media

Cloud computing in Japan has been around longer than you might think, living inside homes since the advent of the internet. For years, cloud computing has been serving the communication needs of the locals with the country’s capacity for revolutionary advancements in technology. One of the clearest manifestations of Japan’s superpower cloud computing is the social media market.

Initially, Japan’s social media scene revolved around home-grown networking sites that incorporated gaming into services, aside from the usual sending of messages, chatting and sharing of photos and videos. These social networking sites use cloud computing to store user information on a remote server, accessible anywhere and anytime by the user. The flexibility offered by cloud computing is also apparent in mobile phones. Japanese people are more active in social media through their phones than personal computers. By having a cloud service provider, social networking companies can allow users to remain up-to-date with personal pages instead of being tied to desktops.

These local social networking sites have zoomed past other popular media in the West such as Facebook and Twitter. For a time, it seemed that these Western sites would not be able to gain a strong share in Japan. However, over time, Facebook and Twitter have garnered the needed followers for a strong boost in their business, especially due to the earthquake and tsunami of 2011. These foreign social media sites were the saving glory of victims and families in the affected regions.

With telecommunication infrastructures being hit by this tragedy, these social sites were key to pinpointing the status of the people, conducting rescue and relief operations, and coordinating disaster contingency plans. Only with cloud computing can all these communication gateways became possible. Social media through optimal cloud computing can surpass the abilities of regular social networking sites.

The majority of blogs in the world are apparently written in Japanese. The locals have learned to utilize blogging networks not only for sharing their personal stories but also to start forums, communities and gaming networks. The additional services available to blog sites underline the extent to which social media has helped companies maximize the potential of cloud computing.

If planning to start your own company or promote existing business in Japan, begin by studying how cloud computing and social media work. By using available social media sites, you can effectively advertise your products or services to your target market. Since a lot of Japanese remain active online, you will be more visible and approachable to your potential customers this way. You can also monitor the reactions or recommendations of online customers with social sites so that you can further improve your product. Current trends are also easily learned through online forums.

Cloud computing can thus allow you to build interactive websites and social media networks in order to reach those elusive Japanese audiences. The impact of cloud computing for business is massive with social media being at the forefront of it. And more than any other country in the world, Japan has been seen to lead the pack in cloud computing infrastructures and policies, which is why any business here needs to take advantage of it.

There is indeed some good coming out of the proliferation of data on social networking sites. One of the underlying reasons of this widespread is the efficacy of its servers often hosted through cloud technology. To give you a better understanding of how this works, visit one of GMO Cloud’s popular configurations as it shows how the load balancer is used on a high availability system.

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About the Guest Author:

Rodolfo Lentenjas, Jr

Rodolfo Lentejas, Jr. is a fulltime freelance writer based in Toronto. He is the founder of the PostSckrippt, a growing online writing business dedicated to producing top quality, original and fresh content. To know more about him, please visit Like him on Facebook or follow him on Twitter, Google+ and Pinterest.

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